Thanking Switzerland for hosting the discussion, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield emphasized the urgency of recommitting to the ideals outlined in key international agreements during a UN Security Council Arria Formula Meeting. These include the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Resolution 1325.
Thomas-Greenfield highlighted the threats faced by women and girls from conflict, repressive regimes, and increasing challenges to their human rights. She stated that empowering women and girls is not only just but necessary. The United States, she said, remains committed to supporting this cause.
"The Biden Administration has put forward concrete strategies, policies, and programs to support women and girls around the world," she said. These efforts range from promoting political participation to preventing gender-based violence and ensuring women's involvement in the clean energy transition.
The ambassador also mentioned strengthening partnerships with civil society organizations led by women, which are vital for building resilience and democratic governance within communities.
Underlining a significant commitment through the Global Fragility Act, Thomas-Greenfield noted a historic 10-year initiative aimed at addressing structural drivers of violence, including gender-based violence.
She echoed a call from the Secretary-General for increased women's participation in conflict prevention and resolution efforts. "We know that women's participation across all fields lowers the likelihood of conflict," she stated.
Thomas-Greenfield pointed out that increased female representation in legislatures reduces the chances of countries engaging in war. Closing the gender gap in the global workforce could potentially add $28 trillion to the global economy, according to her remarks.
"When women do better, we all do better," she concluded. She urged collective action from women and allies to foster meaningful change globally.