President Obama and European Council President Donald Tusk met in Washington to discuss a range of international issues, emphasizing the importance of transatlantic unity. The leaders addressed the situation in Ukraine, with President Obama stating, "We are all committed to making sure that we uphold the basic principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity that have been threatened by Russian aggression." Both leaders acknowledged the efforts of Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande in establishing a Minsk process but stressed the need for strong monitoring and implementation.
The discussions also covered economic challenges faced by Ukraine, with an emphasis on cooperation between Europe and the United States to support Ukraine's economy alongside the International Monetary Fund. Global economic growth was another topic, including discussions on strengthening trade through the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). President Tusk expressed hope for progress in TTIP negotiations, stating, "It’s not so difficult — it’s difficult but a good thing."
Security concerns beyond Ukraine were also on the agenda, including situations in Libya and Iraq, as well as efforts to combat ISIL. Both leaders emphasized the need for unity in preventing foreign fighters from traveling to or returning from Syria.
President Tusk highlighted three main topics: relations with Russia concerning Ukraine, terrorism threats related to ISIL, and TTIP negotiations. He noted that these challenges require unity between Europe and the United States. "When we are united we will be able to put a stop to the aggressive policy of Russia against her neighbors," he said.
On TTIP, Tusk stated his belief that 2015 would see progress due to its potential impact on jobs and political security. He also stressed the importance of addressing violent extremism in Africa to prevent instability near Europe's southern coast.
Both leaders reiterated their commitment to implementing the Minsk Agreement fully and maintaining sanctions on Russia until compliance is achieved. President Tusk concluded with a call for renewed faith in transatlantic unity: "United we stand, divided we fall."
In response to questions about a Republican letter to Iran, President Obama remarked on its unusual nature but focused on pursuing a deal with Iran.