Romania publishes roadmap for developing offshore wind industry

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Ajay Banga 14th President of the World Bank Group | Official Website

The European Commission and the World Bank Group have collaborated with the Government of Romania to publish a new roadmap aimed at developing offshore wind energy in the Black Sea. The document, part of the project 'Internal energy market and energy transition in Romania,' received technical support from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM). The initiative was funded by the European Union through the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), alongside DG REFORM and Romanian authorities.

The Offshore Wind Roadmap for Romania outlines a strategic vision for establishing a successful offshore wind industry. Supported by favorable wind conditions, well-equipped port facilities, an established steel-based supply chain, and a skilled local workforce, offshore wind power could become a significant domestic source of clean energy for Romania. Additionally, it offers potential long-term job opportunities and economic growth within a prospective Black Sea regional renewables market.

The roadmap projects up to 7 GW of offshore wind capacity within Romania’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the Black Sea. It examines two growth scenarios located at least 50 km from shore in shallow waters suitable for fixed-bottom foundations:

- **Low growth:** Assumes 3 GW of installed capacity supplying 16% of Romania's electricity needs by 2035. This scenario estimates €1.4 billion ($1.5bn) gross value added to the local economy.

- **High growth:** Assumes 7 GW of installed capacity supplying 37% of electricity needs by 2035. This scenario estimates €5.3 billion ($5.9bn) gross value added, significantly more than under low growth.

To achieve these scenarios, recommended actions include clarifying energy strategy targets up to 2035, establishing development zones in optimal locations, creating frameworks for licensing and permitting, upgrading transmission networks, and supporting key areas of Romania's supply chain.

"The study conducted by the World Bank highlights the potential of offshore wind energy in the Black Sea and the opportunities for Romania's economic and energy development," said Mr. Sebastian-Ioan Burduja, Minister of Energy for Romania's government. "This new roadmap can play a crucial role in strengthening Romania's energy security and facilitating the transition to a green economy."

Nathalie Berger from DG REFORM stated: "The European Commission has provided technical support to Romania...we are convinced this initiative will provide certainty to investors and boost clean and affordable energy."

Sean Whittaker from World Bank commented: "The purpose of this roadmap is to provide a good understanding about offshore wind in Romania...the Black Sea is a promising new frontier in European offshore wind."

The full roadmap is available online.