With Five9 and Invoca PreSence collaboration, Invoca CEO: 'We are proud to launch this solution' to enhance customer experience

Jake Butterbaugh, Senior Vice President at Five9 Global Partner Organization | Jake Butterbaugh/Twitter

Five9, Inc. has expanded its partnership with Invoca to develop a customized solution named PreSense, which can analyze real-time data throughout the customer’s experience.

PreSense will combine the qualities of the Five9 Intelligent CX Platform with Invoca’s conversation intelligence technology to provide broader access to a caller’s digital history before answering a call. Its data is said to help reduce call duration, increase the contact center productivity and provide clearer context between the agent and the customer.

“When our agents have no idea what patients may have researched online before they called, delivering a positive, seamless experience is nearly impossible,” Brent Laakso, Marketing Operations Manager at Zinnia Health, a joint customer of Five9 and Invoca, said. “Pairing Invoca with Five9 allows us to improve our call routing and tracking, through more accurate and granular attribution, at scale, with greater efficiency than ever before.”

With a combination of automation and live assistance, PreSense directs customers to agents specialized in solutions that best fit their needs. The collaboration will also unify contact centers and marketing teams to enhance customer experience. 

“The more an agent knows about a caller, the better the experience they can provide. We now have a way to share rich pre-call insight directly in Five9, providing contact centers with data that reveals the exact state-of-mind of the caller,” Invoca CEO Gregg Johnson said. “We are proud to launch this solution, which was built aligned with a mutual vision to modernize the customer experience with actionable data and seamless automation.”

The technology will help agents identify which products the customer viewed before the call. Inquiries related to complex purchases, order status updates and other routine calls are routed to a Five9 Intelligent Virtual Agent.

“At Five9, we recognize that our partners play a key role in delivering customer business outcomes. Our solutions together provide an integrated digital to voice conversation experience, empowering agents to provide the personalized experience today’s consumer's demand,” Jake Butterbaugh, senior vice president of the Five9 Global Partner Organization, said. “This new solution is a result of market demand to connect the contact center to the rest of the business and a strong partnership and commitment by both of us to take contact centers to the cloud and deliver memorable customer experiences.”

Invoca PreSense is now available through Five9 to customers in the U.S., U.K. and Canada.