Mundt on being named Telstra vice president: 'This is an exciting time to be in the telecommunications industry'

Steve Mundt | LinkedIn

Telstra recently hired Steve Mundt to be vice president of enterprise and technology of the Americas, a press release reported.

“Enterprise network and connectivity requirements today vary greatly based on seasonal surges in traffic, the changing demands of a distributed workforce or any number of factors,” president, Americas, Telstra, Noah Drake, said in the release. “There’s no one size that fits all customers, so we need experienced professionals like Steve who are proficient in so many areas of telecommunications and are ready to handle any situation that presents itself.”

Under the newly appointed position, Mundt will be tasked with overseeing direct sales and new business development across the region.

The executive was granted the role as the company plans to invest in its network infrastructure’s potential and expand its connectivity solutions offerings in the Americas and other prominent regions across the globe.

With over 10 years of telecommunication and global network service experience, Mundt most recently served as global account director for media and technology for Telstra, where he oversaw the company’s business development, account management, designing, coordinating and putting large-scale global network infrastructure projects to the test.

Before accepting his position with Telstra, the executive garnered ample sales and business development experience while working at various global technology and telecommunications companies, cloud and hybrid infrastructure efforts.

“This is an exciting time to be in the telecommunications industry,” Mundt said. “Demand for global network services remains high across enterprise and technology market verticals. Helping organizations scale and adapt the right solution for their unique needs is a challenge we continue to tackle, and Telstra is well-positioned to remain a major player in this space.”

The Sonoma State University and California State University East Bay graduate continues contributing at CSU as an advisor and mentor of its Transformative Leadership program.

“The Silicon Valley native will draw on his diverse background spanning content delivery, gaming, global transport backbone design, global IP transit network development and design, and latency-sensitive network optimization,” a recent press release reports.