The Colombian government has chosen Vitalpass, a digital vaccine passport, as its official immunization certificate.
Vitalpass was co-created by Auna Ideas Foundation and Koibanx and developed leveraging Boston-based Algorand's blockchain.
Columbia is the first country in Latin America to adopt the technology and the company hopes that other countries in the region will soon follow suit.
Dr. Andrés Vásquez, director of Biomedical Innovation and Health-Tech at Auna Ideas, said in a press release that the digital passport was the most effective tool in ensuring a clear process of vaccination for the country.
"The use of blockchain technology makes this digital passport one of the safest and most reliable tools to guarantee the transparent process of vaccination in Colombia, because the information cannot be changed, erased or manipulated, thus ensuring the validity of the certificate against cases of forgery, double vaccination, or others,” Vásquez said.
Algorand, an American company, developed a blockchain infrastructure that advances the capacity to manage the volume of transactions needed for financial institutions and governments.
The digital vaccination passport cannot be forged as it creates a permanent and unalterable record on Algorand Blockchain, a public network built for the purpose of global applications.