'We are very pleased': Hitachi completes acquisition of GlobalLogic

Hitachi lumada 800
'Lumada is Hitachi's digital platform that connects data, assets and people.' | Hitachi.com/products/it/lumada

The U.S. subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., the Japanese digital solutions company, has recently completed the acquisition of GlobalLogic, including 100% of the outstanding shares of GlobalLogic Worldwide Holdings, Hitachi said in a press release.

Hitachi Global Digital Holdings LLC, the U.S. subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., acquired digital engineering firm GlobalLogic in an agreement signed March 31.

"We are very pleased to welcome GlobalLogic to the Hitachi Group," Toshiaki Higashihara, executive chairman and CEO, Hitachi Ltd., said in the release. "Hitachi aims to become a global leader in the social innovation business by accelerating digital transformation of social infrastructure, by combining the innovativeness of GlobalLogic's advanced digital product engineering and experience design capabilities with the reliability that Hitachi has established in mission-critical fields." 

Through the acquisition, Tokyo-based Hitachi Ltd. hopes to further accelerate the digital transformation of social infrastructure on a global scale by expanding  its core Lumada digital solutions business, Hitachi Ltd. said in the release.

"Through collaborative creation with customers around the world, Hitachi and GlobalLogic will work together to resolve issues faced by society and customers, leveraging Lumada, and contribute to improve people's quality of life by focusing on three key areas of environment, resilience and security and safety," Higashihara said.

Lumada is Hitachi's digital platform that connects data, assets and people, Hitachi said on its website. This software serves as a foundation for Lumada Industry Solutions, which extracts data-driven insight for better operational and business outcomes, the company said.

GlobalLogic focuses on advanced digital engineering, experience design and data services to help clients accelerate innovation and the development of new digital products and experiences, through collaborative creation on a global scale, Hitachi said in the release. GlobalLogic has more than 21,000 professionals working in engineering centers and design studios around the world. 

Key to both Hitachi's Lumada platform and GlobalLogics digital engineering solutions is the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is "a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices and send and receive data," according to Techopedia.com.

"Joining the Hitachi Group creates a unique opportunity to bring together the power of Operating Technology (OT), Information Technology (IT) and IoT/Digital Engineering under one umbrella," Shashank Samant, president and CEO of GlobalLogic, said in the press release. "We are excited to join forces with Hitachi and eager to forge our combined talent and experience in domain and digital to create innovative outcomes for our clients and greater value for society."