News from November 2023

On Tuesday, oil prices fell over 4%, marking their lowest point since July

Thomson Reuters reported the falling oil prices and weak demand within the oil market, as the dollar strengthens.

WTO says prompt food market information is a key to solving agriculture crises

The Agriculture Market Information System (AMIS) Global Food Market Information Group at WTO discussed the importance of timely food market information in solving multiple challenges in the food market, such as climate change, conflict, and other challenges.

The global 3D printing in education market rises to $305.2 billion in 2022

Ireland Research And Markets released a market report covering the global 3D printing in education market and highlighting the significant growth estimated. This market is predicted to reach $563.04 billion by 2028 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.90% during the period 2023 to 2028.

Leading crypto exchange presents ‘case studies on tackling money laundering’ for Brazilian law enforcement

Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, recently participated in the first State Financial Intelligence Workshop hosted by law enforcement in Brazil. The workshop aimed to provide law enforcement officials with insights and strategies to tackle money laundering in the crypto space. Binance, which launched its law enforcement training program in September 2022, has been actively involved in training sessions and sharing best practices with law enforcement agencies worldwide.

U.S. invites applications for Ambassador's Fund focused on cultural heritage preservation

The U.S. Department of State has announced the opening of its call for proposals for the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Heritage Preservation (AFCP) for 2024.

The image recognition market is expected to grow rapidly, boasting a CAGR of 18.53%

The image recognition market is anticipated to experience substantial growth, expected to increase by $59.81 billion from 2022 to 2027, according to a report released by Technavio. "The image recognition market is expected to grow rapidly," the company said.

EXCLUSIVE: Satellite photos show Pakistan terrorist attack caused limited damage

An Islamist terrorist attack on a Pakistani air force training base caused limited damage to two aircraft hangers, and no aircraft or military vehicles were damaged. That's according to satellite photos of Mianwal Air Force Base taken Saturday by Umbra Lab, obtained and analyzed by the Globe Banner.

U.K. Financial Conduct Authority approves PayPal as crypto service provider

The U.K’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has approved PayPal as an authorized cryptocurrency service provider, according to a recent announcement. This approval allows PayPal to offer cryptocurrency services to its customers in the U.K. and further solidifies the company's position in the crypto market.

Leading crypto exchange applauds G20’s adoption of IMF’s proposed regulations

During a recent G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Morocco, the intergovernmental forum unanimously agreed to adopt the regulatory roadmap for digital assets that was proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Financial Stability Board (FSB). Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, has commended the G20 for choosing to adopt the regulations, saying that a coordinated global approach will increase utility, innovation, and consumer trust.