News from June 2015

U.S. Embassy condemns attack resulting in Prosecutor General's death

Cairo – The U.S. Embassy has expressed strong condemnation of the terrorist attack that led to the death of Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat and left several others injured.

Ambassador Cretz highlights US-Ghana relations during Independence Day celebration

Mr. President, honorable ministers, members of parliament, and distinguished guests gathered to celebrate the United States' Independence Day.

U.S., Ghana sign compact partnership against child trafficking

Ghana's Office of the Presidency recently hosted a significant event where the first Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership was signed.

U.S delivers fast missile craft to bolster Egyptian naval capabilities

On June 17, the United States delivered two Fast Missile naval vessels to Egypt at the port of Alexandria.

US partners with Ghana to boost child literacy through new education initiative

The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has partnered with the Ghana Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to launch the Partnership for Education: Learning...

U.S. Embassy condemns attacks in Egypt, praises police and citizens

The U.S. Embassy has issued a condemnation of the recent terrorist attack on the Temple of Karnak in Luxor.

NBA visit highlights shared values between U.S., Africa

Good morning colleagues and Embassy community, It’s great to see all of you turn up this morning to take advantage of the rare opportunity to meet NBA management and players.

OSCE highlights alleged violations amid rising tensions in eastern Ukraine

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been marked by recent escalations and alleged violations of international law, according to a statement presented during an OSCE meeting.