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Gregory Burnett News

Huang: 'The U.S. has this incredible edge over any country in the world in terms of producing frontier research'

The John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings recently hosted a panel of experts to discuss "The Future of the U.S.-China Competition for Human Capital.” The panel explored the human capital dynamics and respective policy approaches between the U.S. and China and how they will affect geopolitical and economic competition both domestically and on the world stage.

Cheung on China's techno security state: 'It’s also about political security because it ensures the survival and the stability of the Communist Party'

The book explores the Chinese government's efforts to utilize technological innovation to help China become a global techno-superpower.

Okonjo-Iweala: 'I thank France for its continuous support for developing countries and LDCs in tackling sanitary and phytosanitary challenges'

France recently contributed almost $50,000 to the Standards and Trade Development Facility to boost safe food production for trade amongst developing countries.

Mei-hua discusses Taiwan-U.S. relationship: 'Even more robust'

"Why Taiwan Matters — From an Economic Perspective" is the Center for Strategic & International Studies' (CSIS) latest live event featuring Wang Mei-hua, minister of economic affairs for Taiwan.