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Imperial Brands Reg Affairs Director: We ‘recognise our role in helping to potentially reduce smoking-related harm’

The group science and regulatory affairs director for Imperial Brands PLC said his company recognizes its role in helping to reduce harm and contribute to public health through tobacco harm reduction (THR) efforts.


Amazon spokesperson: The company used 'logistics infrastructure, global inventory, and technology' to aid in hurricane relief efforts

Andre Woodson, a spokesperson for Amazon, said the company was able to help in relief efforts in areas impacted by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton by using its "logistics infrastructure, global inventory, and technology."

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Vaping Rights and the 2024 Election: A Potential Swing Issue?

As the 2024 election approaches, vaping industry advocate Tony Abboud warns that Democratic efforts to crack down on vaping products and smoking alternatives could backfire in key swing states. According to Abboud, a significant number of voters see access to tobacco alternatives as a decisive issue, particularly in light of recent moves by state and federal governments to limit their availability.


New data on vape benefits may soften VP candidate Tim Walz’s early views

The use of vapor technology, or vaping, among young Americans has become a hot topic. Policy makers have previously expressed concern over the popularity of vaping, including by school-age consumers. More recently, the concerns are easing with new data that indicates youth-vaping is on the decline, and vape products may be an effective tool to ween young cigarette smokers off of tobacco.


Vaping Emerges as Leading Smoking Cessation Aid, but Public Misconceptions Persist

A recent survey conducted by UK-based Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) indicates that vaping has become the most popular aid for individuals who want to quit smoking. According to the August survey, non-tobacco vape products have played a large role over the past five years in helping smokers successfully quit their tobacco dependence.


Poll by Vapor Technology Association: 'Voters favor commonsense reform over outright bans'

A poll conducted by Kellyanne Conway on proposed e-cigarette bans indicated that "voters favor commonsense reform over outright bans." Conway's statement was shared in a Vapor Technology Association (VTA) press release on July 8.


Kimer Med signs contract with Battelle Memorial Institute for antivral drug work

New Zealand-based biotech firm, Kimer Med, has announced a new contract for the development of antiviral drugs. The project is financed by the U.S.-based Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).


AXA Health enters reinsurance agreement with NextGen i.i.

AXA PPP healthcare Limited (AXA Health) has entered into a strategic reinsurance agreement with NextGen i.i. The partnership aims to introduce international private medical insurance (IPMI) products to the market, with AXA Health providing reinsurance. Essentially, AXA Health will assume the financial risk as NextGen i.i. launches these new IPMI offerings.


Israel Ministry of Health approves Aleph Foods’ cultivated beef steaks

Aleph Foods, a pioneering firm in the cultivated meat industry, has received approval from the Ministry of Health (MOH) as indicated by the 'No Questions' letter issued this week. This marks the first instance of non-chicken cultivated meat being approved and also signifies the first such approval in the Middle East.


US Food and Drug Administration approves Ligand Pharmaceuticals’ ZELSUVMI

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given its approval to ZELSUVMI, a topical medication designed to treat molluscum contagiosum, a highly contagious skin infection that most frequently affects children. This condition is characterized by red lesions with a central viral core.


Cyclotherapeutics wraps merger with Applied Molecular Transport, Inc.

Cyclotherapeutics announced the completion of its acquisition of Applied Molecular Transport this week. The newly merged entity will concentrate on advancing a Phase 3 study evaluating Trappsol Cyclo for Niemann-Pick Disease Type C1.


INTIMINA’s new report calls on world to close the global gender health gap

The women's wellness brand, INTIMA, in collaboration with Sarah Graham, has released a report titled "A World Without The Gender Health Gap". The brand aims to address the disparities in women's health.


The global cardiac assist devices market growing at CAGR of 13.70% until 2028

Research And Markets released a report detailing the growth of cardiac assist devices in an analysis period of 2023 to 2028, beginning at $2.89 billion in 2022, predicted to reach $6.23 billion by 2028. This trend signifies an evolving healthcare landscape and underscores the increasing reliance on such devices in managing heart-related ailments.


The collagen market predicted to grow by $2.86 billion by 2027

Technavio released a report detailing the immense growth of the collagen market, expanding at a CAGR of 7.75% from 2022 to 2027.


The hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine market to reach $2.47 billion by 2023

Ireland Research And Markets released a report detailing the rapid growth of the hepatitis B virus vaccine market, which is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 5.33% during the analysis period.


The alternative protein ingredients for human nutrition market is set for growth

Research And Markets has released a report highlighting the growth opportunities in the alternative protein ingredients market for human nutrition. The report covers the market dynamics of plant protein, microbial protein, and insect protein ingredients for human nutrition applications.


World Bank Food Security Update: Rising Food Insecurity Threatens Progress Towards Sustainable Development Goals

The World Bank recently released a Food Security Update, reporting fluctuations in agricultural and export price indices. The report highlights concerns about achieving food- and agriculture-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reveals that 238 million people in 48 countries face acute food insecurity.


Walgreens employees walkout between Monday and Wednesday next week

Walgreens, a popular pharmaceutical general store in the US, has numerous employees planning to walk out on strike next Monday and Wednesday, as reported by CNN. This is because of what the employees call burdensome prescription and vaccination expectations placed on pharmacists.


The market for Bronopol is expanding across industries, boosting demand

The global Bronopol market is expected to expand until 2028, driven by a boost in demand across numerous industries, according to a press release.


Mars Inc. 'excited' to acquire Kevin's Natural Foods

Mars Inc. recently agreed to a deal to acquire Kevin’s Natural Foods. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed.