WTO concludes advanced trade policy course in Geneva

WTO concludes advanced trade policy course in Geneva
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Ms Johanna Hill Deputy Director-General | World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently concluded its advanced trade policy course in Geneva. Bridget Chilala, Director of the WTO's Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, commended participants at the closing ceremony. “Our goal was to enhance your understanding of trade policy instruments, their interconnections and how to navigate the challenges and opportunities you may encounter in your daily work,” she stated. She expressed confidence that the course had strengthened participants' skills in handling WTO-related matters.

Ambassador Matthew Wilson, WTO Permanent Representative of Barbados and Patron of the course, also played a significant role throughout the program. Addressing attendees before the conclusion of the course, he highlighted the importance of multilateralism and reform within the WTO. “I hope your time here has reaffirmed three things: firstly, that the WTO is needed more than ever and is hugely relevant, but that areas for reform are needed," he said. He urged participants to become ambassadors for both the WTO and multilateralism upon returning home.

During the eight-week program, participants engaged with high-level representatives such as WTO Ambassadors from Norway, Panama, Iceland, Jamaica, and Ecuador's Deputy Permanent Representative. They attended meetings of various WTO bodies including Madagascar's fourth Trade Policy Review.

The course included training sessions by WTO Secretariat experts and exposure to other international organizations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and International Trade Centre (ITC). Participants also visited Switzerland's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs in Bern.

Mariyam Nasha Nizar from Maldives’ Ministry of Economic Development and Trade spoke on behalf of her peers about the practical nature of the course. "One of the most valuable aspects of this course has been the hands-on experience we gained," she remarked. She noted that negotiation simulations provided insight into trade negotiations' complexities.