China requests panel over Türkiye's electric vehicle measures

China requests panel over Türkiye's electric vehicle measures
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Ambassador Jean-Marie Paugam Senior Management | World Trade Organization

China has requested the establishment of a dispute panel to address Türkiye's measures on electric vehicles and other vehicle types originating from China. This request follows unsuccessful consultations in November 2024 aimed at resolving the dispute amicably. China claims that Türkiye's actions are protectionist, discriminatory, and in violation of WTO agreements concerning most-favored-nation treatment, tariff bindings, and the elimination of quantitative restrictions.

Türkiye responded by stating that their measures are justified due to longstanding challenges faced by its automotive industry related to anti-competitive practices and excess capacity. Despite constructive discussions with China, Türkiye is not currently willing to agree to a panel.

In another matter, the United States raised concerns about recent developments in Hong Kong regarding free speech and human rights, referring back to its position on essential security related to DS597. Hong Kong criticized this as an abuse of WTO rules and expressed readiness for an appeal if the US lifts its blockage on Appellate Body appointments.

Colombia presented a proposal supported by 130 members for initiating the selection process for Appellate Body vacancies. The US noted ongoing concerns with WTO dispute settlement but did not support this proposal. Twenty members voiced support for restoring a fully functioning dispute settlement system, while ten encouraged participation in the Multi-party interim appeal arrangement (MPIA).

Australia reported full implementation of a panel ruling concerning anti-dumping duties on certain Chinese products in DS603, which was acknowledged by China as a demonstration of effective WTO dispute resolution.

The US provided status updates on several disputes involving anti-dumping measures affecting various countries. The European Union also presented a report related to biotech product approvals.

The next regular meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) is scheduled for February 24, 2025.