Ukrainians are marking the first anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, reflecting on the EuroMaidan protests that sought justice and initiated a new chapter for Ukraine. The remembrance includes honoring those who lost their lives and acknowledging the ongoing efforts toward a democratic future amid challenges.
A visitor to Kyiv shortly after the protests recounted witnessing barricades made from everyday items, bullet-riddled street lamps, and memorials for those who died. "I paid my respects at the Rada, where photos of the fallen stood on display framed by crowns of thorns," they said. A tribute was also made at the Shrine of the Fallen on Institutska Street with roses and a candle.
The resilience of Ukrainians striving for a European future despite adversity is noted as particularly inspiring. "Today we are united with Ukraine in somber remembrance of the sacrifices made by the 'heavenly hundred,'" stated an observer, highlighting national unity from L’viv to Luhansk and Chernivtsi to Sevastopol.
In closing, there is solidarity expressed with Ukraine: "And finally, we join you in declaring, Slava Ukrayini. Glory to Ukraine." The statement concludes with support from America: "America stands with you."