U.S. addresses concerns over Sudan conflict at UN Security Council meeting

U.S. addresses concerns over Sudan conflict at UN Security Council meeting
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Christopher P. Lu, Ambassador | U.S. Mission to the United Nations

Thank you, Madam President. And thank you, Ambassador Hwang, for the Chair’s report.

The United States has expressed concern over the worsening situation in Sudan during a UN Security Council briefing. The U.S. acknowledged the importance of the briefing in updating the international community on the Committee's work and the nature of atrocities occurring in Darfur.

The U.S. extended gratitude to the Panel of Experts for their crucial reports and praised the Council's decision to renew the Panel’s mandate for another 12 months. This extension is seen as an opportunity for the Panel to provide insights into factors that exacerbate insecurity in Darfur and offer recommendations.

The renewed mandate aims to facilitate action against arms movement into Darfur and support international efforts to resolve ongoing conflicts. Reflecting on recent events, several concerns were highlighted by the U.S., notably that members of Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have been identified as committing war crimes. The RSF, along with allied militias, are accused of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Concerns were raised about findings from a January report by the Panel of Experts detailing acts of sexual violence, kidnapping by RSF, and targeting of the Masalit community. The SAF and RSF have been urged to stop these atrocities immediately and adhere to international law obligations to protect civilians.

To address these violations, it was suggested that targeted sanctions be applied as a measure against those responsible for such abuses. The flow of arms into Darfur was also discussed with particular attention given to violations of the UN arms embargo involving weapons transit from eastern Chad, Libya, and Central African Republic.

Commitment was expressed towards sharing information regarding such transfers with relevant Panels while urging Member States to assist UN sanctions panels in executing their mandates. All parties involved in conflict were called upon to comply fully with arms embargo measures; external entities providing material support are considered complicit in significant loss of life.

A review scheduled for September concerning existing 1591 sanctions measures will require support from all Council Members for renewal aimed at restoring peace in Darfur.

Finally, commitment from the United States towards assisting Sudan alongside working with United Nations remains steadfast with goals focused on ending bloodshed and ensuring civilian safety while striving towards peace across Sudan.

Thank you, Madam President.