Tom Goldberger, the Deputy Chief of Mission and currently the Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, addressed attendees at the 2016 Independence Day celebration. The event marked the 240th anniversary of American independence.
Goldberger began by expressing condolences for a recent aviation tragedy over the Mediterranean, extending sympathies to those affected and to Egyptians. He stated, "We join you in looking forward to happier days, to Egypt’s success and its flourishing in a region and in a world that is at peace."
The theme of this year's celebration was American diversity, highlighted through "Route 66." Goldberger explained that Route 66 opened in 1926 and became significant during challenging times such as the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. Many Americans traveled this route seeking better opportunities in California.
"Route 66 represents for Americans the values of freedom, hope, and progress," Goldberger noted. He elaborated on how understanding Route 66 offers insight into the American Dream—emphasizing freedom, exploration, self-improvement, and optimism.
Goldberger concluded by expressing gratitude for sharing these ideals with others globally, including Egyptians: "This is an American Dream, but a dream that we believe we share with others."