The U.S. Mission in Ecuador, in partnership with the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), has announced an opportunity for funding through the Julia Taft Refugee Fund 2024. This initiative is specifically targeted at non-governmental organizations working with LGBTQI+ refugees in Ecuador.
The fund aims to address immediate, low-cost gaps in refugee protection and assistance that larger multilateral programs have not covered. However, support for proposals is contingent upon the availability of funds.
Organizations interested in applying must submit their proposals by 11:59 p.m. Quito time on Friday, March 29, 2024. Proposals should be sent to with the subject line "Proposal for the Julia Taft Refugee Fund 2024 – [insert the name of the organization]."
For fiscal year 2024, multiple grants up to $25,000 each may be awarded by the U.S. Embassy, depending on funding availability.
Applicants are encouraged to focus their proposals on specific areas of need. All submissions must be in English and include several mandatory components: a detailed program description within a two-page limit, a project timeline/calendar, a budget in USD, proof of registration in along with a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number or evidence of registration request if not yet finalized, and a copy of the organization's code of conduct aligned with Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principles.
A selection committee at the U.S. Embassy in Quito will review all applications based on these criteria.