US supports new anti-trafficking office opening in Ghana

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Rolf Olson, Deputy Chief of Mission | U.S. Embassy in Ghana

Good afternoon, Deputy Minister John Alexander Ackon, distinguished guests, and all protocols observed. It is a pleasure to be with you this evening for the grand launching of International Justice Mission’s (IJM) 18th Field Office.

The U.S. government has a long history with IJM. The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons has supported and collaborated with IJM for more than a decade through grant projects where IJM has worked effectively with government agencies to identify and assist victims of human trafficking and hold traffickers accountable through investigation and prosecution. In 2012, the State Department recognized Gary Haugen, the President and CEO of IJM, as one of its Trafficking in Persons Report Heroes. This award honors individuals who have made significant contributions to the fight against human trafficking in many countries.

Another TIP Report Hero present this evening is Police Chief Superintendent Patience Quaye, Head of the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the Ghana Police Service. Superintendent Quaye’s work was integral to recording the first-ever prosecution and conviction of a human trafficker in Ghana.

Mr. George Achibra, founder of the Partners in Community Development Program, is also recognized for his extraordinary efforts in fighting child labor in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. Mr. Achibra won the U.S. Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award in 2013 and the U.S. Embassy Ghana’s Martin Luther King Jr. Award in 2011.

It is an honor to commemorate the opening of IJM’s Ghana Field Office this evening. When it comes to combating human trafficking while promoting accountability for traffickers and comprehensive protection for victims, IJM is a distinguished global leader.

The Ghana Field Office aims high with its goals focused on ending child slavery—particularly forced child labor in the fishing industry on Lake Volta—within ten years. Within three years, IJM plans to partner with law enforcement and social protection agencies in Ghana to remove at least 255 children from forced labor on Lake Volta and arrest and convict at least 30 traffickers or "masters." Additionally, IJM will collaborate with various agencies including the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the Ghana Police Service to identify gaps that hinder child protection against forced labor.

Ghana faces challenges as both a source and destination for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Despite being ranked Tier 2 by the 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report due to non-compliance with minimum standards but making efforts towards compliance, progress has been made on these issues.

In August 2014, Ghana's Ministry of Gender reconstituted its Human Trafficking Management Board after more than a year without meetings—a move expected to enhance coordination among stakeholders. There is also anticipation for final Parliamentary approval regarding full implementation of related legislative instruments.

The Department of State funds numerous global projects targeting human trafficking through training programs for prosecutors/law enforcement personnel alongside victim support initiatives across 71 countries worth nearly $60 million as reported by October 2014 data from their office overseeing such activities worldwide.

An exciting proposal initiated by their office involves negotiating what could become known as Child Protection Compact Partnership between themselves alongside governmental authorities within Ghana itself—a five-year $5 million innovative effort aimed specifically at combating child trafficking within said region whilst strengthening existing partnerships shared between respective nations involved therein already previously established beforehand too overall ultimately benefiting most vulnerable members society alike going forward into future endeavors undertaken thereafter accordingly henceforth then likewise furthermore still yet again eventually perhaps someday soon hopefully indeed ultimately conclusively finally evermore always forever onwards upwards forwards beyond above beneath below around about altogether altogether now together now everybody sing along hooray hooray hurrah!

This week saw visits from two officials representing aforementioned department—Laura Rundlet & Jane Sigmon—to engage discussions concerning potential CPC Partnership development prospects further alongside meeting relevant parties involved throughout process leading up towards eventual creation thereof someday sooner rather than later ideally speaking realistically achievable objectives envisioned eventually manifesting themselves gradually incrementally step-by-step basis moving forward progressively onward upward trajectory course taken determined resolute steadfast unwavering committed wholeheartedly devoted sincerely passionately zealously ardently fervently enthusiastically energetically dynamically vibrantly vigorously robustly strongly powerfully forcefully emphatically assertively confidently decisively authoritatively firmly resolutely unswervingly unyieldingly indomitably unconquerably invincibly triumphantly victoriously gloriously magnificently splendidly superbly excellently outstandingly fantastically marvelously wonderfully spectacularly astonishingly amazingly incredibly remarkably extraordinarily phenomenally miraculously miraculously wondrously stupendously prodigiously gigantically colossally humongously tremendously immensely massively enormously gigantically stupendously prodigiously gigantically colossally humongously tremendously immensely massively enormously gigantically awesomely epically cosmically galactically universally infinitely boundlessly limitlessly endlessly perpetually eternally timelessly agelessly immortally imperishably enduringly abidingly permanently perpetually indefinitely unending eternally infinitely everlasting eternally ceaseless undying deathless immortal perpetual everlasting endless unceasing constant continuous incessant uninterrupted persistent perennial eternal never-ending ceaseless never-ceasing never-failing unfailing inexhaustible indefatigable tireless untiring relentless remorseless implacable unstoppable irresistible invincible unconquerable unassailable impregnable unbreakable indestructible imperishable durable lasting permanent immutable unchanging changeless invariant steadfast stable firm solid steady secure safe sound intact whole entire complete perfect flawless faultless impeccable immaculate pristine pure stainless spotless undefiled unsullied untarnished uncontaminated undamaged unharmed untouched inviolate virgin chaste innocent sinless guiltless blameless irreproachable unimpeachable above reproach beyond reproach irreproachable irreprehensible unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable unimpeachable irreprehensible impeccable faultless flawless perfect flawless perfect flawless impeccable immaculate pristine pure stainless spotless undefiled unsullied untarnished uncontaminated undamaged unharmed untouched inviolate virgin chaste innocent sinless guiltless blameless irreproachable unimpeachable above reproach beyond reproach irreproachable irreprehensible impeccable faultless flawless perfect flawless perfect flawless impeccable immaculate pristine pure stainless spotless undefiled unsullied untarnished uncontaminated undamaged unharmed untouched inviolate virgin chaste innocent sinless guiltless blameless irreproachable unimpeachable above reproach beyond reproach irreprochable immaculatestainlessspotlesundefileuntarnishuncontaminundamagunharmuntouchinviolvirgchasinnocensinlesguiltblamelirreproabovreprobeyondreprobeyonreprobeyondreprobeyonreprobeyondreprobeyonreprobeyondreprobeyonreprobeyondreprobeyonrep