Trade facilitation meeting addresses digitalization efforts

Trade facilitation meeting addresses digitalization efforts
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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Director-General of the World Trade Organization | Official Website

China, El Salvador, Georgia, Jamaica, and Japan have shared their national experiences with digitalization in the "Single Window for Trade Facilitation" process at a recent committee meeting. The meeting focused on the theme of using digitalization to facilitate trade. Under the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), members are encouraged to establish a single window for traders to submit documentation related to goods importation, exportation, or transit through one entry point.

Six other countries — Bolivia, Chile, Fiji, the Kyrgyz Republic, Nicaragua, and Uzbekistan — also presented on various TFA implementation topics. These included average release times for goods and electronic certification of cross-border shipment of plastics.

The TFA aims to expedite the movement and clearance of goods while promoting cross-border cooperation. It allows developing and least developed country (LDC) members to set their own implementation schedules based on national priorities and capacities.

A dedicated session on technical assistance and capacity building was organized during the meeting. This session facilitated interaction between beneficiary and donor members as well as international development partners. Members received updates on progress in technical assistance support for 2026 from the Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility.

Discussions were held on enhancing coordination of technical assistance and mobilizing support for sustained reform efforts. The Chair highlighted the importance of collaboration in addressing ongoing challenges.

The United States presented a communication detailing its process for delivering technical assistance. The United Kingdom circulated guidance for countries seeking donor collaboration.

The WTO Secretariat provided an update on TFA ratification status. Notifications show that developing and LDC members have committed to implementing 79% of their obligations under the agreement.

Concerns were raised by the United States regarding Indonesia's customs procedures for intangible products. Discussions continued around a revised Committee paper reflecting shared experiences in trade facilitation.

Upcoming committee meetings are scheduled for March 12-13, June 4-5, and October 21-23 in 2025.