WTO begins advanced trade policy course focused on practical applications

WTO begins advanced trade policy course focused on practical applications
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Yonov Frederick Agah Deputy Director-General | World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has commenced its advanced trade policy course in Geneva. The program emphasizes case-based learning and practical application of WTO agreements, aiming to enhance participants' analytical and negotiation skills. Through discussions, simulations, and case studies, attendees gain hands-on experience with WTO tools and databases.

In a video message opening the course, WTO Deputy Director-General Zhang Xiangchen stated: "The course's various interactive sessions will give you an opportunity to discuss how the multilateral trading system can be strengthened, reformed and modernized. This is in line with the strong political message that members delivered at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference held in February in Abu Dhabi."

Saudi Arabia's WTO Ambassador Saqer Abdullah Almoqbel, who is also a patron of the course, emphasized the significance of the case-based learning approach. He noted it would help participants strengthen their trade policy analytical skills and improve their economies' participation in global trade.

Bridget Chilala, Director of the WTO’s Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, supported Ambassador Almoqbel's comments by highlighting that "the WTO-led technical assistance and training activities are essential to help empower developing and least-developed WTO members and observers in engaging effectively in international trade."

Participants will attend various WTO meetings over the next two months while familiarizing themselves with other international organizations involved in trade. They will also engage with different stakeholders based in Geneva.

Further details about the WTO's trade-related technical assistance activities are available online.