WTO-FIFA partnership begins national consultations on cotton initiative in Benin

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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Director-General of the World Trade Organization | Official Website

The “Partenariat pour le Coton” initiative, launched in February 2024 following the signing of the WTO-FIFA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2022, brings together public and private sector partners to support the C-4 plus countries in moving up the cotton value chain and ensuring greater benefits for these nations.

The launch event for the program featured experts from partner organizations such as the WTO, the UN Industrial Development Organization, Better Cotton, Gherzi (a textile management consulting company), and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Benin. Following the launch, the first national consultation session for Benin took place, focusing on key challenges related to technology, employment, sustainability, and productivity enhancement across the cotton value chain.

Financial partners were engaged to identify potential areas of interest, paving the way for future investment projects aligned with Benin's national priorities. The session also emphasized sustainable development and the importance of enhanced cooperation between partners and C-4 plus governments in upcoming consultations.

Participants highlighted the significance of the upcoming World Cotton Day celebrations on October 7th, to be held in Cotonou. Taking place for the first time on African soil, this event will provide a critical platform to strengthen partnerships and map out the future direction of the cotton industry.

Stephen Fevrier, Senior Advisor to the WTO Director-General, lauded the successful launch of the national consultation process. He said: "Since taking office, Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been committed to supporting African cotton-producing countries, in particular the C-4. It is encouraging to see progress being made by the WTO-led Partenariat pour le Coton to spotlight opportunities in the cotton sector and generate resources needed to increase its value and contribution to development in C-4."