WTO advances Sixth Review of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement

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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Director-General of the World Trade Organization | Official Website

At a recent meeting of the SPS Committee, WTO members discussed the revised background document, the draft report of the Sixth Review, and the draft recommendations proposed by the WTO Secretariat. These discussions were based on previous dialogues held during the review process. All pertinent documents are accessible on the webpage dedicated to the Review of the SPS Agreement.

Members were encouraged to submit written comments on both the updated background document and draft report by October 4, 2024. Delegations wishing to propose new language for recommendations were advised to consult with other members and aim for suggestions that could achieve consensus.

Based on this feedback, revisions will be made ahead of the next SPS Committee meeting in November. Members acknowledged the Secretariat's efforts in this process and expressed their willingness to continue discussions towards achieving consensus.

The process for this Sixth Review was discussed and adopted at an SPS Committee meeting in November 2023. Proposals covering topics such as modern challenges, regionalization, technology, transparency, and follow-up to the MC12 SPS Declaration work programme were discussed, establishing an extensive agenda for 2024.

As specified under Article 12.7 of the Agreement, members are required to review its operation and implementation periodically. The first review occurred three years after its entry into force in 1995. A decision adopted at the 4th Ministerial Conference in 2001 mandated that these reviews occur at least once every four years.

Cecilia Risolo of Argentina, Chair of the SPS Committee, provided an update on recent discussions regarding the Special & Differential Treatment (S&DT) Declaration (WT/MIN(24)/36), adopted at the 13th Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi in February 2024.

She recalled that both SPS and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committees were tasked with submitting reports on their work to contribute to an overall report mandated by this declaration. Following a meeting with TBT Chair, it was agreed that both reports would follow a similar structure to facilitate member discussions. Once a draft of the SPS report is ready, it will be shared with members for feedback before submission.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of both the SPS Agreement and Committee, several events will be held during November's committee meeting. The Secretariat has launched a photo competition titled "SPS in action" and called for success stories demonstrating how members have overcome obstacles or resolved trade issues through this agreement.

Additionally, members are invited to attend an event hosted by Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) on November 14th marking its 20th anniversary.
