Schweikert: 'Cefla’s choice of Bloom’s technology positions Bloom as a solution for Europe’s new power savings mandate'

Schweikert: 'Cefla’s choice of Bloom’s technology positions Bloom as a solution for Europe’s new power savings mandate'
Bloom Senior Managing Director Tim Schweikert | LinkedIn | Tim Schweikert

Bloom Energy recently teamed up with Cefla to deploy Bloom’s megawatts of solid oxide fuel cells through 2025, a press release reported.

“With the events of the past year, Europe’s business and political leaders know that they must focus on improving energy security,” senior managing director of international business development, Bloom, Tim Schweikert, said. “We believe that Cefla’s choice of Bloom’s technology positions Bloom as a solution for Europe’s new power savings mandate and an important next step in its eventual energy independence.”

Through the collaboration, Bloom hopes to expand its presence in Italy and help local companies transition from traditional combustion-based sources of energy to a fuel-cell based energy server.

Bloom’s highly efficient energy servers are intended to replace traditional combined heat and power (CHP) systems to help assist with the gas reduction strategy recently approved by European Union energy ministers.

The company’s technology is compatible with natural gas, biogas or hydrogen, produces electricity, while still reducing carbon emissions.

“Our partnership with Bloom Energy is a source of great pride for us at Cefla and further strengthens our position as leaders of the Italian energy market,” president of Cefla, Gianmaria Balducci, said. “It is an important source of inspiration to improve consistently and develop key innovations in the field of sustainability, continuing to invest in this sector with proposals in line with Green Deal policies and the energy transition. At a time when Europe is in dire need of overcoming its energy shortage, implementing the most efficient technologies is crucial, and fuel cells are unquestionably innovative, even more so as the absence of combustion helps reduce polluting emissions. Bloom Energy is our partner of choice to support us in the field of energy transition, a partner capable of promptly responding to new market requirements and environmental needs. We will work together toward future energy goals and climate challenges.”

The deal is the second of its kind to be signed by Bloom with a prominent Italian company, after the company contributed energy servers as part of Ferrari’s decarbonization project.

In correlation with the partnership, Cefla welcomed Bloom to assist with their exhibition at Ecomondo 2022, scheduled to take place in Rimini, Italy from Nov. 8 to 11. 

“With Ecomondo, Cefla is helping Bloom to introduce its technology to decision-makers in Europe and beyond,” Schweikert said.