TC Latin America Partners co-founder: 'We are very excited about the launch of TC AFI in the Dominican Republic'

TC Latin America Partners co-founder: 'We are very excited about the launch of TC AFI in the Dominican Republic'
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TC Latin America Partners recently expanded its operations. | Unsplash/LYCS Architecture

TC Latin America Partners recently expanded its operations through its Dominican subsidiary, TC Latin America Partners, Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión, according to a press release.

"We are very excited about the launch of TC AFI in the Dominican Republic, with the mission of channeling the country’s institutional capital toward a sector of the Dominican economy that we consider to be an engine of development. We believe that our thematic strategy and regional experience will give us a competitive advantage in the local market,” said Gregorio Schneider, co-founder of TC.

The institutional alternative investment manager tasked with leading the expansion for TC Latin is its Dominican subsidiary, TC Latin America Partners, Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión, overseen by Dominican SIMV and TC partner, Luis A. Santana. 

TC Latin America Partners is credited with investing $730 million across Latin America, in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Chile using a risk-management and capital preservation approach to facilitate access to markets in various geographies.

To prepare for the launch, TC AFI obtained a Dominican Securities Superintendency operating license earlier this year. The firm will prioritize investment efforts made in the affordable housing, industrial, health care and digital markets.

“Our aim is to replicate some of the strategies where we have been successful in other Latin American countries; in the affordable housing sector, for example, we have invested $125 million in 17 projects, resulting in affordable homes for around 32,700 families in the region. In addition, some of our projects have obtained the EDGE certification for sustainable development, a standard we will seek to implement across the portfolio managed by TC AFI,” Santana said.