Vehicle Service Group launches two-column lifts in EMEA ‘to propel customers into the future’

Vehicle Service Group launches two-column lifts in EMEA ‘to propel customers into the future’
Vehicle Service Group launches two-column lifts in EMEA. | Facebook | Vehicle Service Group

Dover company, Vehicle Service Group recently launched a new range of two-column lifts in the EMEA region in collaboration with the Rotary and Ravaglioli brands, according to a press release.

The new initiatives named Tomorrow Series and the Legend Series will launch the SPMA models, which consists of electromechanical two-post lifts with an asymmetric configuration of 3.2 and 3.5 tons, designed to life vehicles of various sizes. The first models to be launched in the Legend Series are the KPX models, which will hold the same capacity. 

“The Tomorrow Series by Rotary and the Legend Series by Ravaglioli each offer a contemporary look that matches the high quality of the components,” a recent press release read. “The new range aims to propel customers into the future, preparing the workshop for innovations that are yet to come on the market. The Tomorrow Series and Legend Series entire range will each be unveiled over the coming months and will meet the needs of any workshop.”

According to the automotive equipment company, the products will help customers reduce installation times by up to 20%, feature three adjustable width positions allowing flexible installation of lifts and offer an efficient and safe obstacle-free working area.

According to the release, the models are also credited with minimizing routine maintenance, and implementing a Teq-Link module for workshop connectivity, providing access to remote monitoring and scheduled monitoring alerts for clients.

The products included in the releases were developed with two asymmetrical columns and improved with innovative abilities.