Kochava adds Clue as latest Authorized Agency Partner, celebrates 'great milestone' of one year since program launch

Jason hicks
Jason Hicks, general manager, Kochava’s Marketers Operating System | kochava.com

Kochava recently selected data, media and advertising company Clue to be its newest Authorized Agency Partner, a recent Business Wire press release said.

“We’re excited to welcome Clue to the Authorized Agency Partner program,” Jason Hicks, general manager, Kochava’s Marketers Operating System, said in the release. “We’ve achieved a great milestone of one-year since launching the rapidly growing program, and we look forward to continuing to help our partners enable brands with growth marketing.”

The data solutions company, which specializes in omni-channel attribution and measurement, will now be associated with Clue's collaboration with clients—including businesses, brands and agencies—and relevant data garnered by them. 

“Our partners are reflections of ourselves,” Josh Alvernia, co-founder and CEO of Clue, said in the release. “Kochava and Clue are committed to providing both the best measurement solutions and the best customer service to brands that are looking to succeed in the mobile ecosystem. More of our brand partners are launching mobile experiences for their customers than ever before. Kochava helps Clue measure the impact of our mobile campaigns with precision, both in and outside of Apple’s SKAdNetwork.”

The addition is confirmed as the digital advertising industry notes a rapid evolution in the way advertisers garner and use consumer data. An accelerated sum of advertisers now seek the help of mobile measurement partners and ad agencies to get a better understanding of how to modify user content and data privacy, how to identify audiences using privacy-first solutions and improve market ad spend measurement tools. 

"In working with advertisers with fewer resources, authorized partners can help take the lead in using measurement tools on the advertiser’s behalf,” the release said. 

The full Authorized Agency Partner course catalog features required measurements and attributions, iOS 14 & SKAdNetwork, Fraud Prevention, User Engagement, Over-the-top and Connected TV Viewership Measurement, Identity Solutions, Subscription Management, MediaLift Services to Determine Incremental Lift, and Links.