'Bye-bye, COVID-19? Not so fast': Shanghai under COVID-19 lockdown again with mass testing to follow

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Shanghai is under lockdown again with millions of residents undergoing COVID-19 testing. | Unsplash/Shenpengpeng Cai

A former U.S. ambassador recently reacted to news that Shanghai is under lockdown again with millions of residents undergoing COVID-19 testing.

According to Globe Banner, Shanghai and Beijing are experiencing lockdowns and mass testing once again, stoking fears that the Chinese cities may never move out of a limbo period between being open and completely shut down.

The lockdown in Shanghai was ordered only 10 days after the previous months-long lockdowns lifted, Reuters reported. The lockdowns will cover 14 of 16 districts in the city. Five of the districts are not allowing residents to leave their homes. 

While not as restricted as Shanghai, Beijing has closed entertainment venues once again following cases linked to gatherings in such spaces, according to Globe Banner.

Former U.S. Ambassador Curtis S. Chin reacted to the news, tweeting, "Bye-bye, COVID-19? Not so fast." He went on to share images of panic-buying in the city, a result of Shanghai residents fearing what the next series of lockdowns might bring.

The continued lockdowns have caused major disruptions in Chinese production and the global supply chain.

"We are at the mercy of mass testing. Factories will have to shut down even if only one positive case is detected," Bettina Schoen-Behanzin, vice president of the European Chamber, said, according to Reuters. She noted that European companies were thinking twice about future investments in China.