As the executive director of the Lincoln Business Club and a staunch advocate for economic liberty, I am acutely aware of the growing economic might of China and its implications for the United States. China's burgeoning economic strength has made it a formidable global competitor, and has emboldened the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to exert its influence in ways that threaten our democratic values, particularly our freedoms of speech and expression.
Historically, the United States has thrived as a beacon of liberty and innovation, largely due to our commitment to protect individual freedoms. However, as China's power grows, so does its confidence in exporting its authoritarian model. One of the most glaring examples of this is the CCP’s targeted campaigns against groups like Shen Yun, a performing arts company that showcases traditional Chinese culture and embodies the spirit of resistance against tyranny.
Shen Yun's productions, celebrated for their vibrant portrayal of traditional Chinese narratives and spiritual themes, have become a thorn in the side of the CCP. The party views Shen Yun’s artistic expression and its global appeal as a threat to their control, and has subsequently launched sophisticated campaigns to undermine and discredit the group. These efforts are part of a broader strategy by the CCP to control the global narrative about China and suppress any dissenting voices, wherever they may be found.
The United States must take these coordinated efforts to discredit groups like Shen Yun seriously. If left unchecked, the CCP’s tactics could extend further into American society, targeting business leaders, political figures, and anyone who speaks out against their narrative.
To counter this threat, the U.S. must strengthen its economic policies and reduce dependencies on China by re-shoring critical manufacturing and diversifying supply chains. This economic independence will better position us to stand against China’s authoritarian influences without jeopardizing our economic security.
In facing these challenges, the United States will affirm its commitment to the principles of freedom and democracy. By doing so, we not only defend groups like Shen Yun and the rights of individuals to express themselves freely, but also reinforce the foundations that make us a global leader. This commitment to liberty and justice is what has historically set us apart and fueled our national success.
Victor Lopez is a small business advocate and political analyst