The U.S. Embassy in Amman, in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Center within the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State, has announced the opening of the 2024 grants cycle for the Cultural Property Agreement Implementation Grant (CPAIG) program. The application process consists of two rounds, with concept notes due by December 31, 2023. Selected applicants will be invited to submit full project applications in early spring 2024.
The CPAIG program was established in 2020 by the U.S. Department of State, in consultation with the interagency Cultural Antiquities Task Force (CATF). It supports CATF’s anti-trafficking mission by aiding cultural property agreements between the United States and foreign governments or implementing emergency import restrictions. A bilateral cultural property agreement between Jordan and the U.S., signed in December 2019, took effect on February 1, 2020.
"All projects should address clear needs in the country or region," states a representative from the embassy, aiming to align with Embassy Amman's Integrated Country Strategy goals.
Special consideration will be given to proposals that link cultural property protection with other ECA programming or foster cooperation between government agencies and private sectors.
The funding opportunity offers awards ranging from $10,000 to $150,000 per project for up to 36 months. Cost sharing is allowed but not required. The program adheres to international standards for protecting cultural property through activities such as training law enforcement and cultural managers, creating digital inventories, securing sites against theft and vandalism, and public education for crime prevention.
Ineligible activities include purchasing privately owned cultural objects or real estate, constructing new buildings, relocating sites, removing objects from their country of origin without clear justification, covering unforeseen costs or fees outside approved budgets, international travel not integral to project success, and repatriating cultural property without a defined protection effort.
Eligible applicants are reputable entities capable of managing projects aimed at protecting cultural property in specified countries. These include foreign institutions of higher education; non-profit organizations; NGOs; museums; ministries of culture; and similar organizations. Individuals and commercial entities are not eligible.
Concept notes for Round 1 must be submitted by December 31, 2023. If selected for Round 2 consideration, applicants must register with using a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
"This notice is subject to availability of Fiscal Year 2024 funds," clarifies an official statement from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.