Your benefits may have been suspended if you did not receive your February payment. This is due to the non-receipt of your Foreign Enforcement Questionnaire on time.
To restore your benefits, you are required to send an email to the Federal Benefits Unit. The email should include your name, Social Security Number, telephone number, and a brief explanation of your issue. A Social Security representative will then contact you by phone to assist with completing the form.
For residents in specific regions, different email addresses are provided for assistance:
- For those residing in Cd. de México, Edo. de Méx., Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Campeche, Querétaro, Veracruz, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Michoacán, Morelos, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Yucatán, Puebla, Quintana Roo and Tabasco: "please email: FBU.Mexico.CITY@SSA.GOV."
- Residents of Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Sinaloa Baja California Sur Aguascalientes and Zacatecas: "please email:"
- Those living in Baja California Sonora Chihuahua Coahuila Nuevo Leon Tamaulipas and Durango: "please email:"