Secretary of State John Kerry and Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius met to discuss ongoing cooperation between the United States and Lithuania. Kerry emphasized Lithuania's role as a NATO ally, highlighting its increased defense spending and contributions to training troops in Iraq. "They’re a NATO ally and a strategic partner," Kerry stated, adding that Lithuania is setting an example by assisting in various efforts beyond NATO.
Kerry also acknowledged Lithuania's progress in energy diversification, which he described as crucial for countries seeking independence from limited suppliers. "There needs to be a diversity, which really bolsters independence," he said.
Foreign Minister Linkevicius expressed gratitude for the U.S.'s longstanding support of Lithuania, particularly during its accession to NATO over ten years ago. He noted the importance of this alliance for his country's security guarantees. "We’re members now of this very important family," Linkevicius remarked.
Linkevicius called for continued U.S. leadership in addressing issues around Ukraine, emphasizing the situation's significance not only for Ukraine but also for regional credibility amid Russian aggression. He stated, "We’re going to have to do the best in order to contain Russian aggression in Ukraine."
Additionally, Linkevicius mentioned Lithuania's priority task of joining the OECD this year and looked forward to strengthening ties with the United States further.
The meeting underscored both nations' commitment to shared priorities on international platforms such as the UN Security Council.