The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) has continued to document ceasefire violations around Donetsk airport. The SMM observed the use of specific weapons by Russia-backed separatists, including shrapnel-causing ammunition and rocket-propelled grenades, which were not previously reported. Despite earlier reports of reduced fighting in southern Donetsk and a relatively calm Shyrokyne, the SMM identified stationary battle tanks in the town's center and additional tanks in nearby separatist-controlled areas. Additionally, a Strela-10 advanced surface-to-air missile was spotted by an SMM UAV in rebel-held territory.
There is substantial evidence of Russian military presence in eastern Ukraine. The capture of two Russian military personnel on the Ukrainian side of the ceasefire line highlights collaboration between Russian forces and separatists. "We welcome the assurances from the Ukrainian government that these Russian military personnel are being treated humanely," noted an official source.
Recent SMM reports confirm that "Russian troops are there. Russian tanks are there. And an advanced Russian missile system is there." Russia's actions defy peace initiatives as it sends uninspected convoys into Ukraine under claims of humanitarian aid, violating international law.
Russia's reluctance to allow international border monitoring raises concerns about potential cover-ups. "If Russia is not hiding anything, why is it shirking its obligations to have international monitoring along the state border?" questioned an observer.
Despite ongoing tensions, international efforts continue to emphasize adherence to the Minsk agreements as a path toward peace. U.S. Secretary Kerry visited Sochi, while Assistant Secretary Nuland traveled to Moscow and Kyiv to stress this point. President Putin assured Secretary Kerry of Russia's commitment to implementing Minsk agreements.
A genuine ceasefire requires full compliance with Minsk terms, including withdrawal of heavy weapons and unrestricted access for SMM monitors in separatist areas. It also demands cessation of fighters entering Ukraine from Russia and release of hostages like Nadiya Savchenko.
The Trilateral Contact Group remains engaged with proposals for sustainable ceasefires and increased humanitarian aid aligned with international standards. However, concerns persist following reports that officials were blocked from entering separatist-controlled territories en route to Donetsk.
In recent discussions among leaders such as President Putin and Chancellor Merkel, emphasis was placed on fully implementing Minsk agreements for peaceful resolution: "Russia must now live up to the agreements it signed in Minsk."
The call remains for Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty: "Russia must act, not just talk."