WTO concludes Aid for Trade Global Review with focus on evolving needs

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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Director-General of the World Trade Organization | Official Website

The Aid for Trade Global Review concluded on June 28, 2024, with a commitment to continue adapting to the changing needs of developing economies and least-developed countries (LDCs). The event focused on three main themes: food security, digital connectivity, and integrating trade into development agendas.

“I hope the discussions will inform trade and development interventions with all the benefits that they bring for improving people's living standards in developing economies,” said Deputy Director-General Zhang. “As we start to embark on our work ahead, I hope that participants can build on the experiences and knowledge shared this week.”

Ministers, high-ranking government officials, heads of international organizations, policymakers, and representatives from academia, the private sector, and civil society attended the event. At the closing session, Nepal's Ambassador to the WTO and chair of the Committee on Trade and Development, Ram Prasad Subedi, remarked: “This week, we have witnessed engaging discussions, dynamic exchanges and fruitful collaborations by the global trade and development community, all convened around one common goal: to advance trade as a powerful engine for development.”

DDG Zhang highlighted that this year marks the initiative’s 18th anniversary. “Discussions and results from the monitoring and evaluation exercise confirm that Aid for Trade remains relevant. At the same time, the global trading landscape is evolving and so is development cooperation.”

The Review underscored that Aid for Trade must keep evolving to meet developing economies' needs as they navigate multiple crises affecting the global economy. During the closing session, WTO members exchanged information on recent Aid for Trade projects and reaffirmed their commitment to continually evaluate these economies' changing needs. Members called for increased targeted disbursements to achieve concrete outcomes. LDCs emphasized how essential Aid for Trade is in addressing their unique challenges.

Several reports were published during the event:

- Aid for Trade at a Glance 2024

- Aid for Trade in Action: Supporting the Clean Energy Transition

- LDC Trade Priorities — Looking Forward

- LDC Success Stories — Towards Sustainable Graduation from the LDC Category

Details about all 61 sessions of the Review are available online.