World Bank Group addresses severe food insecurity in Gaza

Banking & Financial Services
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Ajay Banga, 14th president of the World Bank | World Bank website

The World Bank Group issued a statement today expressing deep concern over the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. According to a new report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) initiative, of which the World Bank is a partner, 96 percent of Gaza's population—approximately 2.15 million people—are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity.

The report indicates that around 495,000 individuals are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity, with the risk of famine persisting throughout Gaza. The situation has deteriorated particularly in the southern governorates since the last IPC update.

"The gravity of the situation is another reminder of the urgent need to make sure food and other supplies reach all the people of Gaza," stated the World Bank Group.

In response to this crisis, the World Bank Group’s emergency response package has supported urgent relief efforts through the World Food Programme. This initiative has successfully delivered food parcels to over 500,000 people in Gaza.

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