Vistage Worldwide acquires TEC Australia and New Zealand

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Rob Ristagno, president of international operations | Vistage Worldwide

Vistage, a global peer advisory organization for CEOs and business owners, has recently acquired The Executive Connection (TEC). TEC offers programs for CEOs, small business owners, executives and team leaders. Vistage boasts over 45,000 members worldwide and has been facilitating peer advisory groups for company CEOs since its inception in 1957.

Founded in the U.S. as The Executive Committee in 1957, Vistage was later rebranded. TEC Australia was established by Dr. Phil Meddings in 1986, according to a news release dated March 4 that announced the acquisition.

"We are grateful for the strong foundation the team has built over the past four decades in Australia and New Zealand. They have established an extraordinary community of passionate Chairs committed to Vistage's purpose of helping high-integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, families and communities. We look forward to collaborating with Stephanie to continue to deliver the best model for how leaders learn throughout Australia and New Zealand," said Ristagno, President of International Operations for Vistage.

Vistage's peer advisory groups typically consist of 12-16 business owners or chief executive officers who meet once a month to work on their businesses collectively. As per information available on Vistage’s website, these groups focus on broad strategic plans and issues, collaboratively vetting ideas and troubleshooting strategies. One-on-one mentoring sessions are also offered to each member.

TEC Australia organizes 12 full-day meetings annually for its groups along with offering 12 one-to-one coaching sessions that can last up to two hours each year. As stated on the TEC Australia website, their peer advisory program is confidential and led by trained chairs. The company provides leadership development programs, an exclusive learning platform and various tools for members to stay updated about best practices in their respective industries.

"I am proud of the thriving community we have created in Australia and New Zealand over the past four decades, and how we have brought to life our shared vision of helping leaders to make better decisions and deliver better outcomes. We look forward to building upon that momentum as we continue to offer peer advisory groups to more leaders in Australia and New Zealand," said Christopher, the managing director of Australia and New Zealand.