Op-ed: 'Pandemonium–China’s Global Strategy to Cripple America' by Curtis Ellis, an American original

Op-ed: 'Pandemonium–China’s Global Strategy to Cripple America' by Curtis Ellis, an American original
Curt ellis
Curt Ellis | Provided

Curtis Ellis was a prominent economic and trade expert, and a Trump adviser who exposed important truths about China. He was my partner and the love of my life for nearly 23 years until his death on February 14, 2021. Curtis faced challenges in his valiant battle with cancer but never gave up on a lifelong mission. 

Curtis was determined to finish "Pandemonium–China’s Global Strategy To Cripple America" because he saw China as the most dangerous threat to the nation he loved, and was committed to warning America. 

His book is receiving praise from business leaders, U.S. Generals and policy makers.  This includes Michael Pillsbury, a leading China expert and director for Chinese Strategy at the Hudson Institute who called the book “compelling,” and said it “shows why [Curtis] was a ‘secret weapon’ for our side against Chinese unfair trade practices.” 

"Pandemonium" is a chilling account of China’s decades-long campaign to weaken and overtake America through economic warfare, trade abuse, technology theft and cyber espionage. The stakes couldn’t be higher with China’s increasing aggression, nuclear expansion, and escalating military buildup. 

Curtis goes back to our founding fathers, detailing how we became the greatest industrial power in the world based on "The American Way," how we have strayed from that path, and how to get it back. 

He lays out a precise and skillful analysis, and an essential roadmap to redirect American thinking about the Chinese Communist Party. Curtis gives us a bold, transformative “New Declaration of Independence” that will set our nation on a new course. 

Greg Autry, co-author of "Death by China," describes "Pandemonium" as "a path forward, where our nation can redeem and rebuild itself, free of the corrosive influence of the Chinese state.”

Retired Brigadier General Rob Spalding, who served as the China Strategist for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised "Pandemonium." “This insightful book—a great epitaph to a great life—exposes the folly of our nation’s dangerous partnership with a totalitarian regime.”

Curtis was a patriot who fought to bring American jobs and American manufacturing back from China. As an astute economic nationalist, he describes how China’s trade manipulation is economic warfare to weaken and destroy our nation. Curtis details how US money and technology transformed China into an economic superpower, which leaves us dependent on our biggest adversary for our vital supply chains. 

“Washington slept as China picked our brain and rose to become our major economic competitor… built a military machine… and fortified [its] totalitarian dictatorship,” Curtis says in his wake up call. 

"Pandemonium" couldn’t be more timely.  Because a Chinese Spy Balloon was spotted hovering over our nuclear missile silos, America is waking up.

Curtis was on to the hostile acts of the CCP. He got pushback from Wall Street, global corporations and the government. 

According to U.S. Representative Jim Banks—a member of the new House Select Committee on China, “We have to treat the CCP as the enemy, the biggest threat to America and the American way of life.” He described the committee’s intent as “looking for strategies to decouple from China and hold China accountable.” 

This perfectly reflects the views Curtis expressed in "Pandemonium."  

“A crisis with an extraordinarily ambitious China is inevitable,” Curtis wrote. His book explains how we can win with a Plan of Action to end our dependence on China. 

Committee chairman Mike Gallagher also echoed the most important points in the book. 

“We have to find a way to offshore the production of key goods, we can’t depend on China. We are in the window of maximum danger. We have to act with a sense of urgency.” 

According to Steve Bannon, “Curtis Ellis was an American Original … a man of ideas and a man of action.”

We should hope that everyone in Congress reads his book.